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This page is a part of continuing efforts to make the LightWave documentation complete
This light is based on papers written by Lukas Hosek and Alexander Wilkie, the current best approximation of atmospheric light scattering. As such, it is a Distant-type light whose position is irrelevant but whose rotation is all-important. It can be used with the Sun Spot motion Modifier for accurate positioning around the Earth, given a specific location, time and date.
Surface Albedo - Reflectance color from the planet. The default value of blue has been set because our planet is mostly water
Turbidity - The reduction in the transparency of air because of scattering of light by dust and smoke particles and water droplets. Increase the turbidity to make the atmosphere denser - more hazy. Great for recreating LA sunsets
Scattering - The scattered color of the sky itself
Max Luminance - Function added for tone mapping the final result. This will tone down the brightness value of a star to better match the rest of the scene
Temperature - The temperature in Kelvin of the sun's surface
Size - The default size of 5.0 is designed to replicate our sun
Samples - How many samples to use for this light
Volumetric Distance - the distance the volumetric effect reaches from the ray