Octane Texture Operators
Octane Render for LightWave supports a number of texture operators in order to add/mix/compare/etc textures within the Node Editor.
These include:
Add Textures
Clamp Texture
Color Correct
Cosine Mix Textures
Gradient Texture
Gradient 2 Texture
Invert Texture
Mix Textures
Multiply Textures
Subtract Texture
Add Textures

Add the input texture nodes. This is a vector add of the two (2) texture inputs.
Clamp Texture
The Clamp texture provides a minimum and maximum value to clamp the values of an incoming texture map.
Color Correction
The Color Correction node adjusts image map attributes such as Brightness, Hue, Saturation, Gamma, and Contrast.
Cosine Mix Textures
The Cosine Mix texture mixes two textures together, according to a cosine wave. The setup of the node is shown below

Falloff Texture

The fall off map is a texture node typically used to control the blend of two materials depending on the viewing angle of the materials' geometry.
Normal: This is the value/lightness (0 to 1) of the map at straight on viewing angles. When used as an input to a mix material node, the normal is the spectral shade value between material 0 and material 1.
Grazing: This is the value/lightness (0 to 1) of the map at grazing angles. When used as an input to a mix material node, the grazing is the spectral shade value between material 0 and material 1.
Falloff Index: The relative amount of the two values (normal and grazing). 0.1 will lead to almost complete coverage by the grazing value regardless of viewing angle, where as 15 will lead to complete coverage by the normal value.
Direction - Ray Direction allows the direction of the incoming ray to be set.
The fall off map can also be used for other things, like the input to the opacity of glass.
Falloff is useful for car shaders (at 90 degrees it should have the desired color and in less somewhat darker, but at the same time a bit more reflective), water shaders (tends to be more reflective to low angles of incidence), fabrics like velvet (tend to become almost white at low angles). It is also useful for some metals to simulate some coating effects.
Gradient Texture

The Gradient Texture Node produces a gradient blend between colors. It allows a user to enter up to ten (10) keys to determine how the gradient is defined.
Left Mouse Double-clicking on the node brings up the Parameters
Using LightWave Gradients with Octane Gradient Node
You can use a LightWave Gradient within Octane. The LightWave Gradient Node must be piped into the Texture Image Node and then fed into the Gradient (or Gradient 2) node.


Gradient 2 Texture

It allows a user to enter up to 36 keys to determine how the gradient is defined.
Left Mouse Double-clicking on the node brings up the Parameters.
Using LightWave Gradients with Octane Gradient 2 Node
You can use a LightWave Gradient within Octane. The LightWave Gradient Node must be piped into the Texture Image Node and then fed into the Gradient (or Gradient 2) node.


Invert Texture
The Invert texture can reverse the colors or values in a Texture or Procedural map.
Mix Texture
The Mix texture mixes two textures together linearly.
Multiply Texture
The Multiply texture multiplies the values of Textures or colors together in an overlay fashion similar to the Multipy blending mode in Photoshop®.
Subtract Texture
The Subtract texture subtracts the value of one texture from another (Figure 1), similar to the Subtract Layer mode in Photoshop®.