Octane Chaos Texture
Chaos Texture node randomly scatters an input texture over a surface or UV space, as shown in the image below. This is a great way to hide seams of image textures not intended for seamless use. Some patterns will hide better than others, of course.

Texture: You can plug a Texture Image node into this input pin
Tile Scale: The size of the image as it is tiled across the surface or UV space.
Coverage: This control moves the image on U and V within the tile space. Use the Show Structure (within the Node Parameters Window) toggle to see how the images are actually applied.
Blend Exp: This controls the blend between the repeated textures. Starts with a value of 1.0 (very soft blend); higher values produce a sharper blend.
Translation: Allows the UVMap being used to translated in XYX space.
Rotation: Allows the UVMap used to be rotated in HPB space.
Scale: Allows the UVMap to be scaled in XYZ space.

- Parameters
Resolution X and Resolution Y specifies the X and Y resolution of the actual Chaos texture created by the node.
Tile Scale: The size of the image as it is tiled across the surface or UV space.
Coverage: This control moves the image on U and V within the tile space. Use the Show Tile Structure toggle to see how the images are actually applied.
Blending Exponent: This controls the blend between the repeated textures. Starts with a value of 1.0 (very soft blend); higher values produce a sharper blend.
Histogram Invariant Blend: This toggle will make the output texture's histogram closer to the one of the inputs. This option is only compatible with LDR images.
Show Tile Structure: Toggle this control to see the structure of how the chaos pattern flows. This will show the actual triangles of the mesh, with some triangles containing portions of the image and others being black.
Enable Rotation: This will toggle the rotation of the tiles according to the following inputs.
Rotation Seed: This will set the Seed value for the random rotations.
Max Rotation: This option will limit the maximum rotation to the specified value.
UV Translation/Rotation/Scale: These parameters control the UVW Transform. This transform parameter will transform the entire UV space as a whole.
An example of how to use this node is shown below.

This gives the following output.